Monday, March 7, 2011


My first attempt at the 100 Word post. Borrowed the idea from Baglady, who does such a phenomenal job with these. Do check her blog out if you haven't already!

Well, here's mine. :)

You were a nice word, Nice, but you soon became blasé;
an empty word to take refuge in when I did not have much else to say,
when I was called upon to be polite,
when I could not be bothered anymore.

My education taught me to take you with a pinch of salt. I looked upon you and your buddy, Interesting, with suspicion. You meant back-handed insults or worse, apathy.

I went on a giddy trip with Awesome, Amazing and Insane. They showed me Awful, Fake and Depressing.

Now, I wonder…maybe you are enough. You are, after all, Nice!


  1. This is a cool idea, I think I may have to tag your blog and try it myself! Thanks! :) This post reminds me of the Morrisey lyrics, "don't talk to me about people who are nice, I've spent my whole life in ruins over people who are "nice" - do you like him? :)

  2. Awwwwww...thanx for your comments guys. I know it sucks...lolz. Its really sweet how you actually bothered to comment..hahahah!

    @jdracecar: I LOVE that line. I've heard OF Morrisey, but haven't heard him :(

  3. this is a poem yea? :p
    it is beautiful! had to read it a second time to realize you were talking about the word "nice"
    yea nice has been reduced to a word people just say to be polite even when they dnt really mean it. :p
    i luv hw u compared it to "amazing" "awesome" and "insane" and realized those wwords were even faker when used by most people.
    lol hope i'm not totally disstorting the meaning of ur poem :)
    tk cre.. nice blog :)

  4. @Gnetch: Thank you! :)

    @kitkat: Right on! That is exactly what I meant. I need a new vocabulary; one that actually MEANS something. Thank you for your comments. :)

  5. Heeeyy...where'd you go?

    Good post though. :)

  6. Hey Dani, thanx soo much. I'm kinda swamped at work. Hope to free up a little by April! Have a looooooooooooooooot of catching up to do, dont I?
